"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago"
That dream holiday, University fees, Long Term Care....the list of possible future events for which our clients wish to make provision is long and varied. None of us has a crystal ball. However many objectives you have, and whenever they might occur, we can work with you to develop a strategy that gives the best chance of achieving those things you see as priority. It's like a bucket list, but without the vaguely terminal connotation.
We believe that real objectives, focused on the things you want to do when your time is your own, are central to the success of an IFA-client working relationship, so whatever it is you hold dear, let's talk about how we can get to grips with that.
Whether you are a cash-only investor looking for the best spread of interest rate vs accessibility, a speculative 20-something looking to take a long term view on pension planning, or somewhere else along that spectrum, we can help to assess, implement and maintain an investment strategy that works for you.
Finally, prudent planning will usually encompass the legal and accountancy professions. If you don't already have established relationships here, we are very much able to refer you to knowledgeable and capable people.
Common discussion points in this area:
- School fees funding
- Long term care provision
- passing wealth down the generations
- taking a sustainable income
- making use of allowances and exemptions in tax law
- ensuring a surviving spouse is on a sound footing
Compare against some typical client objectives:
- I want to be able to travel when I retire
- I'd like to buy a canal barge
- I want my children to inherit most of my wealth when I reach 80
- I want to be able to phase in retirement from 55
- I'd like to set aside funds for my grandchildren's education
- I want to keep my money within the bloodline